
The Healthy Hearing Report

Each week the Healthy Hearing Report team publishes helpful information about living with hearing loss, tinnitus and other auditory disorders. 

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We also have in-depth general information on hearing losstinnitushearing aids, and hearing aid brands


Hearing loss and falls: Why they're connected

An infographic describing facts about hearing loss and the risk of falling, especially among older adults.

Research strongly links hearing loss to an increased risk of falling. Hearing aids and other preventive measures can help lower your risk.


Hearing loss and falls: Why they're connected

Research strongly links hearing loss to an increased risk of falling. Hearing aids and other preventive measures can help lower your risk.


How an Apple Watch can help with hearing aids and hearing loss

A male hand touches an Apple Watch to answer an incoming call.

With your hearing aids and an Apple Watch, you can access several helpful features to enhance your accessibility—especially if your hearing aids come with a corresponding hearing aid app.


How an Apple Watch can help with hearing aids and hearing loss

With your hearing aids and an Apple Watch, you can access several helpful features to enhance your accessibility—especially if your hearing aids come with a corresponding hearing aid app.


What is somatic tinnitus? Causes, treatments, and coping strategies

An infographic showing the main causes of somatic tinnitus.

If you have tinnitus that seems connected to movement or tension like TMJ disorder, it may be a subtype known as somatic tinnitus.


What is somatic tinnitus? Causes, treatments, and coping strategies

If you have tinnitus that seems connected to movement or tension like TMJ disorder, it may be a subtype known as somatic tinnitus.


Understanding the various parts of a hearing aid

 A pair of Oticon Real hearing aids sit in their recharging dock.

Your hearing aid contains a microphone, speaker, processor and battery to help you hear the best you can. Learn more about the various parts of a hearing aid.


Understanding the various parts of a hearing aid

Your hearing aid contains a microphone, speaker, processor and battery to help you hear the best you can. Learn more about the various parts of a hearing aid.


Hard of hearing vs. hearing impairment: Why inclusive language matters

An image that says

If you have hearing loss, how do you identify yourself? As hard of hearing? Hearing impaired? A person with hearing loss? Or something else? Writer Carmen Cusido shares her journey of embracing "hard of hearing."


Hard of hearing vs. hearing impairment: Why inclusive language matters

If you have hearing loss, how do you identify yourself? As hard of hearing? Hearing impaired? A person with hearing loss? Or something else? Writer Carmen Cusido shares her journey of embracing "hard of hearing."


What the research says about caffeine, hearing loss and tinnitus

Infographic of a cup of coffee and the words

We take a look at the research on caffeine and its impact on hearing loss, tinnitus and Meniere's disease. Overall, normal caffeine consumption doesn't appear to be harmful.


What the research says about caffeine, hearing loss and tinnitus

We take a look at the research on caffeine and its impact on hearing loss, tinnitus and Meniere's disease. Overall, normal caffeine consumption doesn't appear to be harmful.


Wear hearing aids? Here's why you may want a remote microphone

A woman in a yellow shirt wearing a remote microphone.

If you wear hearing aids, you may want to purchase a separate remote microphone system, which helps you hear better in tricky situations like meetings or restaurants.


Wear hearing aids? Here's why you may want a remote microphone

If you wear hearing aids, you may want to purchase a separate remote microphone system, which helps you hear better in tricky situations like meetings or restaurants.


COVID-19, vaccinations, and tinnitus: What’s the connection?

Infographic that asks: Does COVID-19 cause tinnitus? What about the vaccines?

Some people report tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, after a COVID-19 infection or even vaccination. Can coronavirus cause tinnitus? We take a look at the research.


COVID-19, vaccinations, and tinnitus: What’s the connection?

Some people report tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, after a COVID-19 infection or even vaccination. Can coronavirus cause tinnitus? We take a look at the research.


Frequent use of pain relievers linked to tinnitus

A woman swallows a pill while holding a glass of water.

A growing body of research indicates that people who frequently use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as aspirin or acetaminophen, are at higher risk for developing tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.


Frequent use of pain relievers linked to tinnitus

A growing body of research indicates that people who frequently use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as aspirin or acetaminophen, are at higher risk for developing tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.


Hearing aids may slow onset of dementia and Alzheimer's. Here's why.

Infographic explaining the 2023 Lancet study results that showed hearing aids and seeing an audiologist probably reduced dementia in subset of older adults.

Mounting evidence shows how hearing aids and regular counseling from a hearing care specialist can reduce the rate of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.


Hearing aids may slow onset of dementia and Alzheimer's. Here's why.

Mounting evidence shows how hearing aids and regular counseling from a hearing care specialist can reduce the rate of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.


Ear drainage – why it happens and what it means

A picture of a woman grabbing her ear with text that says

It’s normal for ear wax to drain from your ears on occasion, but if you’re experiencing excessive drainage of fluid with pain or fever, it’s time to seek medical treatment. You may have an infection.


Ear drainage – why it happens and what it means

It’s normal for ear wax to drain from your ears on occasion, but if you’re experiencing excessive drainage of fluid with pain or fever, it’s time to seek medical treatment. You may have an infection.


Air travel tips for people with hearing loss

Older man checking into airport.

Airports and airplanes can be bewildering places for people with hearing loss. Find out how to avoid miscommunications and get to your flight on time.


Air travel tips for people with hearing loss

Airports and airplanes can be bewildering places for people with hearing loss. Find out how to avoid miscommunications and get to your flight on time.


Tips for traveling with hearing loss

People relaxing on a cruise ship deck.

When you have hearing loss, traveling with hearing aids can add unexpected challenges. Here are some tips to make your trip go smoother.


Tips for traveling with hearing loss

When you have hearing loss, traveling with hearing aids can add unexpected challenges. Here are some tips to make your trip go smoother.


What to expect as a new hearing aid user

A man with a hearing aid plays his guitar.

Because hearing aids do not fully restore your hearing, it's important to have reasonable expectations about your hearing ability going forward. A skilled hearing care provider can provide guidance and customize your devices for unique listening environments.


What to expect as a new hearing aid user

Because hearing aids do not fully restore your hearing, it's important to have reasonable expectations about your hearing ability going forward. A skilled hearing care provider can provide guidance and customize your devices for unique listening environments.


Why you should never clean your ears with a cotton swab or Q-Tip

Infographic showing a man putting a cotton swab (Q-Tip) in his ear

From punctured eardrums to super impacted wax, there are many negative consequences associated with "do-it-yourself" ear cleaning.


Why you should never clean your ears with a cotton swab or Q-Tip

From punctured eardrums to super impacted wax, there are many negative consequences associated with "do-it-yourself" ear cleaning.


Does Medicare cover cochlear implants? What about bone-anchored hearing aids?

Infographic showing words:

If you have Medicare and severe hearing loss that is not fully helped by hearing aids, you may now be eligible for a cochlear implant or bone-anchored hearing system.


Does Medicare cover cochlear implants? What about bone-anchored hearing aids?

If you have Medicare and severe hearing loss that is not fully helped by hearing aids, you may now be eligible for a cochlear implant or bone-anchored hearing system.


Why anxiety often accompanies vertigo and other balance disorders

A dizzy woman copes with an anxiety attack.

Chronic vertigo, dizziness, and disequilibrium are often caused by balance disorders and tend to go hand in hand with anxiety. Here's how to get a handle on both.


Why anxiety often accompanies vertigo and other balance disorders

Chronic vertigo, dizziness, and disequilibrium are often caused by balance disorders and tend to go hand in hand with anxiety. Here's how to get a handle on both.


Nursing homes and hearing aids: What you need to know

An older man in a nursing home

Nursing home care can be a challenging transition if your loved one has hearing loss or wears hearing aids. Here are some tips for making sure they get the hearing care they need.


Nursing homes and hearing aids: What you need to know

Nursing home care can be a challenging transition if your loved one has hearing loss or wears hearing aids. Here are some tips for making sure they get the hearing care they need.


Best safety products to tell others you have hearing loss

Infographic showing images of a pin, seatbelt cover and medical ID bracelet that communicate the user has hearing loss.

A simple misunderstanding can lead to danger if you don’t hear someone giving you directions or asking you questions. These safety products let others know quickly that you have hearing loss to avoid unsafe situations.


Best safety products to tell others you have hearing loss

A simple misunderstanding can lead to danger if you don’t hear someone giving you directions or asking you questions. These safety products let others know quickly that you have hearing loss to avoid unsafe situations.


Emergency communication tips when you have hearing loss

Text that says

If you have hearing loss, emergency situations can be challenging. Being prepared and knowing how to advocate for yourself in high-stress situations will go a long way.


Emergency communication tips when you have hearing loss

If you have hearing loss, emergency situations can be challenging. Being prepared and knowing how to advocate for yourself in high-stress situations will go a long way.


Can I wear a cochlear implant and hearing aid together?

An infographic showing a hearing aid and a cochlear implant for bimodal hearing.

Bimodal hearing–which means using a hearing aid and a cochlear implant–may be your best option for maximizing your remaining sense of hearing, reducing sensory deprivation, and improving quality of life.


Can I wear a cochlear implant and hearing aid together?

Bimodal hearing–which means using a hearing aid and a cochlear implant–may be your best option for maximizing your remaining sense of hearing, reducing sensory deprivation, and improving quality of life.


Why two hearing aids are better than one

A female hand removes one hearing aid from a rechargeable hearing aid dock.

Wearing two hearing aids makes sense if you have hearing loss in both ears. Here are all the reasons why two is better than one.


Why two hearing aids are better than one

Wearing two hearing aids makes sense if you have hearing loss in both ears. Here are all the reasons why two is better than one.


What is tympanometry and how is it used?

An audiologist uses a tympanometer test to look at the eardum of a patient.

Tympanometry is a type of test that measures the function of the middle ear. It can help rule out certain types of hearing loss and may be used to determine whether hearing aids would be a useful treatment.


What is tympanometry and how is it used?

Tympanometry is a type of test that measures the function of the middle ear. It can help rule out certain types of hearing loss and may be used to determine whether hearing aids would be a useful treatment.


Hearing service dogs help alert owners to sounds and situations

A quote from hearing alert dog owner:

For people with hearing loss, service dogs can be invaluable. Dog owners can train their own pup or register with a non-profit that provides service dogs.


Hearing service dogs help alert owners to sounds and situations

For people with hearing loss, service dogs can be invaluable. Dog owners can train their own pup or register with a non-profit that provides service dogs.

Featured clinics near me

HearingLife - Grove City
2169 Stringtown Rd
Grove City, OH 43123

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HearingLife - Westerville
121 Westerville Plaza
Westerville, OH 43081

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Earzlink Hearing Care - Reynoldsburg
7668 Slate Ridge Blvd
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

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