
Hearing aids in Rayne LA

We found 8 hearing aid clinics with 59 reviews within 58.9 miles of Rayne LA. Show clinics near me.

Healthy Hearing provides listings from audiologists, hearing instrument specialists and hearing aid centers near you. If you need hearing aids or a hearing test, choose a clinic from the list below to schedule an appointment in your area.

Local audiologists and hearing aid specialists

Hearing Health Care of Louisiana - Lafayette (14.2 miles)

2502 Johnson St. Lafayette, LA 70503
2502 Johnson St. Lafayette, LA 70503
(337) 446-0664

Acadian Hearing and Balance - Lafayette (15.5 miles)

1000 W Pinhook Rd Ste 201A Lafayette, LA 70503
1000 W Pinhook Rd Ste 201A Lafayette, LA 70503
(337) 294-8123

Noel ENT Hearing Center - Lafayette (15.5 miles)

5000 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy Bldg 3, Ste A Lafayette, LA 70508
5000 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy Bldg 3, Ste A Lafayette, LA...
(337) 600-1584

LaHaye Center for Hearing (16 miles)

201 Rue Iberville Suite 800 Lafayette, LA 70508
201 Rue Iberville Suite 800 Lafayette, LA 70508
(337) 366-9994

Noel ENT Clinic (19 miles)

100 Phoenix Abbeville, LA 70510
100 Phoenix Abbeville, LA 70510
(337) 522-7666

LaHaye Center for Advanced Eye Care, APMC (20 miles)

4313 I 49 S Service Rd Opelousas, LA 70570
4313 I 49 S Service Rd Opelousas, LA 70570
(337) 443-4195

DHH - Office of Public Health (56.3 miles)

3236 Kirkman St Lake Charles, LA 70601
3236 Kirkman St Lake Charles, LA 70601
(337) 312-4579

The Hearing Center of Lake Charles, Inc. (58.9 miles)

Open now by appointment! 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
1919A Southwood Dr Lake Charles, LA 70605
1919A Southwood Dr Lake Charles, LA 70605

Ram Nileshwar, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA


Dr. Ram Nileshwar earned his Doctor of Audiology degree from Arizona School of Health Sciences of...

Photo of Ram Nileshwar, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA from The Hearing Center of Lake Charles, Inc.

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Learn more about hearing health

If you're not ready to make that call, visit our Hearing Help pages for extensive information about hearing loss, hearing aids, tinnitus and assistive listening devices.

Schedule a hearing test

Need a hearing test but not sure which clinic to choose?

Call 1-877-872-7165 to book a hearing test with a clinic near you.

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