The Hill Hear Better Clinic

9723 Montgomery Rd Montgomery, OH 45242
(513) 657-4776


Photo of Ryan Hill, AuD, FAAA, ABA Certified, CH-TM from The Hill Hear Better Clinic

Ryan Hill,
AuD, FAAA, ABA Certified, CH-TM

Audiologist, Owner

Dr. Hill earned his Doctorate degree in Audiology from the University of Cincinnati and his bachelor’s degree in Speech and Hearing Science from the Ohio State University. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology and is licensed to practice Audiology in Ohio and Indiana.

Dr. Hill is a technology expert and self-proclaimed “tech geek”. He is always up-to-date on the latest treatment options, hearing technology, and diagnostic and verification equipment and techniques. This, along with his patient-first philosophy, enables him to provide a personalized experience, making the patient feel comfortable and confident while receiving a customized solution that improves the patient’s hearing ability.




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(513) 657-4776

Hours of operation

Monday8 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Tuesday9:30 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Wednesday8 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Thursday8 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Friday8 am - 2 pm
by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit
  • Financing available for those who qualify
  • Insurance accepted, please call for details
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.