Carolina Health and Hearing - Jacksonville FL

13453 N.Main St. Suite 506 Jacksonville, FL 33218
(904) 638-7661


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Healthy Hearing posts all positive and negative reviews that meet publishing criteria.

Read 1 verified patient review for Carolina Health and Hearing - Jacksonville FL! Their review score was 5 () from 1 review.

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“The VA scheduled me for a hearing test for my tinnitus claim. I arrived at about 8:20 a.m. for an 8:30 a.m. appointment. I filled out a one-page questionnaire at about 8:30 a.m. I went to an exam room with Christina Geiger, AuD, Doctor of Audiology. The process was explained and proceeded. Christina explained mileage reimbursement and how to follow up with the VA. ”

James M. of Yulee, FL   
01/13/2025    Review submitted online
(904) 638-7661

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