ClearSound Hearing - Boonville

1121 Rear Main Suite B Boonville, MO 65233
(573) 818-2031


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Healthy Hearing posts all positive and negative reviews that meet publishing criteria.

Read 1 verified patient review for ClearSound Hearing - Boonville! Their review score was 1 () from 1 review.

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“Beware!!! This place is very deceptive. The price of their hearing aids includes a (bundled) protection package which they do not disclose. In my case the bundled package was $1,800 or 36% of retail cost. Ask up front if pricing is Bundled or Unbundled. Destiny Potts knew I was comparing prices and continually obfuscated and mislead me regarding pricing. Destiny had ample opportunity to explain that their pricing included a bundled packaged but did not. Additionally, the bundled package is a three (3) year protection which is basically worthless since my hearing aids come with a three (3) year warranty. I would not recommend doing business with Destiny Potts or Clear Sound.”

Troi M. of Boonville, MO   
01/03/2025    Review submitted online
(573) 818-2031

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