Luebbe Hearing Services - Columbus

5074 N High St Columbus, OH 43214
(614) 368-0625


Photo of Mary Lou Luebbe-Gearhart, AuD, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, BC-HIS from Luebbe Hearing Services - Columbus

Mary Lou Luebbe-Gearhart,


Dr. Mary Lou Luebbe-Gearhart, AuD, is recognized as one of America’s most experienced and trusted hearing experts. She is a board-certified doctor of audiology and has been president of Luebbe Hearing Services in Columbus, Ohio, since 1973, continuing a family tradition established by her father in 1946. Her passion for helping people hear what they’ve been missing has taken her around the world, using state-of-the-art hearing aid technology to transform their lives.

She is a charter member and the acting president of the Women Presidents Organization (WPO) and serves on the Board of Trustees of People to People International and the Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio, as well as the Board of Trustees for the Worthington Chamber of Commerce.


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(614) 368-0625

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