Sherard Audiology and Hearing Centers - Chadron

825 Centennial Dr Chadron, NE 69337
(866) 860-4541


Photo of Robert Sherard, Owner and HIS from Sherard Audiology and Hearing Centers - Chadron

Robert Sherard,
Owner and HIS

Bob Sherard is a licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist and Owner of Sherard Audiology and Hearing Centers. He is experienced in helping people achieve healthy hearing, a professional in his field and knowledgeable in the latest technology in hearing aids and devices. 


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

Sherard Audiology and Hearing Centers is a 100% Owner-Operated entity with no obligations to any manufacturer.  They have been serving the residents of Nebraska and Wyoming for over 65 years making your hearing needs first.

We are passionate about serving people and improving their quality of life through better hearing. Because we also wear hearing aids, we have a better understanding of the concerns of our patients. We are grateful to have been voted the “Panhandle’s Favorite Hearing Health Care Provider” for 18 years.

Our Chadron office is located in the Chadron Community Hospital on the lower level. 

Hearing care services

Products and services we offer:

  • hearing testing
  • hearing aid sales and evaluation
  • hearing aid fitting and programming
  • hearing aid service and repair
  • aural rehabilitation
  • custom hearing protection
  • wireless hearing aid connectivity


(866) 860-4541

Hours of operation

MondayOpen by appointment
TuesdayOpen by appointment
WednesdayOpen by appointment
ThursdayOpen by appointment
FridayOpen by appointment

Clinic links

Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.