Precision Hearing Conservation

170 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78201
(210) 756-5751


Photo of Nathan Ortiz, AuD from Precision Hearing Conservation

Nathan Ortiz,


Nathan Ortiz is a licensed Doctor of Audiology with experience helping people achieve healthy hearing. He specializes in the evaluation and non-medical treatment of hearing loss and has extensive training in hearing evaluation and rehabilitative audiology including hearing instrument dispensing and patient-centered counseling.


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

Proud to be a Locally Owned Veteran Small Business.

Precision Hearing Conservation was established in 1997 and acquired by Dr. Joseph Pratt and Dr. Nathan Ortiz in 2019.  Both Doctors are board certified audiologists with extensive military experience as active duty audiologists in hearing conservation program management.

Our onsite mobile hearing test program is an essential part of your hearing conservation program and keeping your company in compliance with OSHA. In addition, all of Precision’s staff members are CAOHC certified with high-level experience and training in hearing conservation.

Precision Hearing Conservation is now offering hearing screenings and hearing aid evaluations at our clinic on 170 Babcock Road, San Antonio, TX 78201.

Hearing care services

  • Hearing testing and consultations
  • Hearing aid sales, service and repairs
  • Custom hearing protection
  • and more! 


(210) 756-5751

Hours of operation

Monday9 am - 4 pm
by appointment
Tuesday9 am - 4 pm
by appointment
Wednesday9 am - 4 pm
by appointment
Thursday9 am - 4 pm
by appointment
Friday9 am - 12 pm
by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cash
  • Check
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.