Paradise Hearing - Yuma

11411 S Fortuna Rd Yuma, AZ 85367
(928) 318-6055


Photo of Thomas Lehnerer, HIS from Paradise Hearing - Yuma

Thomas Lehnerer,

Hearing Instrument Specialist

Thomas Lehnerer is a licensed hearing care practitioner with knowledge and experience in the diagnostic processes used to assess and treat hearing problems with the latest technology in hearing aids and devices.


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Clinic details

Better Hearing Made Affordable

At Paradise Hearing, we offer name brand technology at lower prices. Our licensed Hearing Aid Specialists have an average of over 14 years experience. You can be assured that whichever of our 8 Arizona locations you choose, you will find knowledgeable professionals to help you.


Sun City: 13616 N.99th Ave. Sun City, AZ 85351 (Mon-Fri by appt)

Sun City West: 13565 West Camino del Sol, Sun City West, AZ 85375 (Mon-Fri 9-12)

Phoenix - Bell Rd. : 2941 W. Bell Rd. #3 , Phoenix, AZ 85053 (Mon-Fri by appt)

Mesa: 5540 E. Broadway Rd. Mesa, AZ 85206 (open Mon, Wed by appt)

Chandler: 1256 W. Chandler Blvd. Suite 21, Chandler, AZ 85224 (by appt only)

Yuma: 11411 S. Fortuna Rd. Yuma, AZ 85367 (open Thursdays by appt)

Cottonwood: 905 Cove Parkway, Cottonwood, AZ 86326 (open Tuesdays by appt)

Phoenix - 108th Ave.: 4120 N. 108th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85037

Hearing care services

Free hearing evaluation, free hearing aid cleaning, and repair service is available. We work with you to find the best style and model of hearing aid that fits your needs and your budget. Care Credit financing available.

(928) 318-6055

Hours of operation

ThursdayOpen by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Financing available for those who qualify
  • Insurance accepted, please call for details
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.