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Clinic details

Dr Hear is the practice that puts your hearing first. We take the time to listen to you. If you are looking for the hearing experts to walk you through your treatment options, call us today. Our vision is to provide our services within the best audiological practices (not the standard practices, the best practices) to those that hear value in our services. To those that don’t hear the value in our services, provide them with the opportunity to experience the value of our services. Our strategic plan is to help people enrich their lives through communication with loved ones. We do this by helping people hear and listen better. When necessary or asked to, we help patient’s loved ones communicate better with the patient.

(840) 236-2080

Hours of operation

Monday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Tuesday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Wednesday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Thursday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Friday9 am - 4 pm
by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Cash
  • Check
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.