The Christ Hospital Physicians - Ear, Nose & Throat

7691 5 Mile Rd Ste 214 Cincinnati, OH 45230
(513) 808-4014


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

Cincinnati Head & Neck, Inc is the premiere group for patient care in Cincinnati for adult and pediatric ear, nose and throat surgery. We offer the best in diagnostic, surgical and follow-up care for thyroid surgery, nasal and sinus surgery, ear surgery, head and neck cancer surgery, tonsil & ear tube surgery, facial reconstructive surgery, and more. In addition, we have specialists on staff to treat voice disorders, provide hearing assessments and hearing aid recommendations, as well as the full spectrum of allergy testing and treatment.

(513) 808-4014

Hours of operation

Monday9 am - 4 pm
Tuesday9 am - 4 pm
Wednesday9 am - 4 pm
Thursday9 am - 4 pm
Friday9 am - 4 pm

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.
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