Cumberland District Health Department

110 Johnson Ln Barbourville, KY 40906
(877) 698-9593


Photo of Angela Shelton from Cumberland District Health Department

Angela Shelton

Angela Shelton is a dedicated and experienced hearing care practitioner who is committed to helping the people of the Barbourville area hear their best.


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

Special Children Special Needs Special Care

The Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs provides full hearing care services to children of all ages. The department manages the state Newborn Hearing Screening Program, which ensures that all newborns receive a hearing screening before leaving the hospital. Our highly trained clinical professionals provide full audiology services in nine of 14 regional offices and can help you with all of your hearing needs.
We are a state run program that ensures all children can be provided hearing care.

Hearing care services

Our services include the following:

  • comprehensive hearing evaluations and testing
  • hearing aid sales – latest technology
  • hearing aid dispensing and fittings
  • hearing aid accessories
  • hearing aid service including cleaning, checks, maintenance and repairs
  • custom earmolds and hearing protection
  • hearing aid batteries


(877) 698-9593

Hours of operation

MondayOpen by appointment
TuesdayOpen by appointment
WednesdayOpen by appointment
ThursdayOpen by appointment
FridayOpen by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.