Mile Bluff Medical Center

1050 Division St Mauston, WI 53948
(608) 844-8031


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

Helping you enjoy all the sounds of life

Not all hearing and balance issues require the same treatment.  It is important to see professionally-trained audiologists who are experienced in identifying, preventing and managing your hearing and balance issues.

The trusted professionals at Mile Bluff Medical Center use their 50+ years of expertise, along with advanced technology, to care for your hearing needs.  The staff listens to your concerns, diagnoses your issues, and creates a personalized treatment plan that is best for you.  Care may include assistance from hearing instruments, medications, physical therapy and/or surgery.
Mile Bluff’s audiology team works closely with the rest of the medical staff to provide you with comprehensive hearing care.  Choosing the services at Mile Bluff means you’re working with audiologists who are on the same medical team as your primary care, physical therapy and surgical providers.
Mile Bluff provides diagnostic hearing evaluations, tests and treatment for dizziness/vertigo, newborn hearing screenings and real ear verification technology, along with the distribution, fitting and servicing of hearing devices.  Services are available in Mauston, Friendship, Lake Delton and New Lisbon.

Even minor hearing loss can cause you to miss out on some big things.  Have your hearing cared for at Mile Bluff.. because some words are too important to miss. 

(608) 844-8031

Hours of operation

MondayOpen by appointment
TuesdayOpen by appointment
WednesdayOpen by appointment
ThursdayOpen by appointment
FridayOpen by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cash
  • Check
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.