Childrens' Medical Center

1 Childrens Plz Dayton, OH 45404
(937) 741-7259


Photo of Linda McGinnis, M.A. from Childrens' Medical Center

Linda McGinnis,


Linda McGinnis is a licensed hearing care practitioner with knowledge and experience in the diagnostic processes used to assess and treat hearing problems with the latest technology in hearing aids and devices.


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

Pediatric experts in more than 35 specialty areas

Dayton Children’s pediatric audiology department provides complete comprehensive audiological services to children of all ages with hearing disorders. Our highly trained Audiology team provides services that range from newborn infant hearing screening, basic audiometric evaluations and auditory brainstem response evaluations to fitting hearing aids and cochlear implants. We can help you make the best choices for all of your hearing needs.

Hearing care services

  • Hearing evaluations and testing
  • Hearing aid sales – latest technology
  • Hearing aid dispensing and fittings
  • Hearing aid accessories
  • Hearing aid cleaning, maintenance and repairs
  • Hearing aid batteries


(937) 741-7259

Hours of operation

MondayOpen by appointment
TuesdayOpen by appointment
WednesdayOpen by appointment
ThursdayOpen by appointment
FridayOpen by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cash
  • Check
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.