The Kennedy Krieger Institute

801 N Broadway Baltimore, MD 21205
(443) 863-4257


Amy Gaskin,


Licensed audiologist Amy Gaskin helps people achieve healthy hearing with the latest in hearing aid technology. She holds a certificate of clinical competence in audiology from the American Speech Langauge Hearing Association. 


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Clinic details

Kennedy Krieger Institute uses an interdisciplinary approach to treatment with many outstanding professionals working together to provide comprehensive patient care. The Institute's Audiology Program exists to identify and manage communicatively handicapping hearing impairment in infants and children and to rule out hearing loss as a factor contributing to speech/language and developmental delays.



Hearing care services

The program offers comprehensive audiological and hearing aid evaluations, auditory processing evaluation testing, aural rehabilitation, measurement of otoacoustic emissions and sedated and unsedated auditory electrophysiological testing (ABR, BAER, frequency-specific ABR, bone conduction ABR and ASSR). All staff have special expertise in treating infants and children with neurodevelopmental delays and disorders, as well as normally developing infants and young children with speech and language delays or concern for hearing differences. Behavioral assessment is tailored to the needs of the child and may include BOA, VRA, or CPA test techniques.

The clinic provides hearing aid dispensary services to provide digital hearing aids and assistive listening devices. Our expertise in pediatric hearing aid fitting, verification, and validation ensures the best hearing solution for the child and family.

(443) 863-4257

Hours of operation

Monday8:30 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Tuesday8:30 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Wednesday8:30 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Thursday8:30 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Friday8:30 am - 5 pm
by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit
  • Insurance accepted, please call for details
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.