
William McVicar,

Hearing Instrument Specialist


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

Life at full volume

If you think you may be experiencing hearing loss, come in and see John Clell Hamm and his friendly staff. You’ll find yourself treated just like family. Your first visit, hearing test included, is completely free.

Hamm Hearing Aid Center now has two locations to reach more patients:

In Wilmington at

1608 Wellington Avenue

Wilmington, NC 28401


in Jacksonville at

3705 Henderson

Jacksonville, NC 28546

(910) 746-0555

Hours of operation

MondayOpen by appointment
TuesdayOpen by appointment
WednesdayOpen by appointment
ThursdayOpen by appointment
FridayOpen by appointment

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Cash
  • Check
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.