M.O.S.A. Audiology Services - Livonia

14555 Levan Rd Ste 314 Livonia, MI 48154
(734) 666-0102


Dr. Alexandra Stewart,


Dr. Alexandra Stewart is a licensed Audiologist working with patients in our Livonia office. She earned her Doctor of Audiology and B.S. degrees from Central Michigan University. Dr. Stewart holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech Language Hearing Association.


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

M.O.S.A. Audiologists are highly trained professionals with advanced education and experience. Because of this specialized experience, they are able to determine the extent of any hearing loss and assign the appropriate treatments and equipment. They carefully analyze your individual situation and recommend only those treatments that are appropriate. They also help in educating you on the proper use and care of hearing protection devices.

We have 6 convenient locations to choose from:

Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti office 5333 McAuley Drive   Suite #2016 Ypsilanti, MI  48197

Brighton office 2305 Genoa Business Park Drive   Suite #160 Brighton, MI  48114

Canton office 1600 S. Canton Center Road   Suite #340 Canton, MI  48188

Chelsea office 14650 Old Hwy US-12  Suite #301 Chelsea, MI  48118

Livonia office 14555 Levan Road, Suite 314 Livonia, Michigan 48154

Saline office 1020 E. Michigan Ave.  Suite I Saline, MI  48176

Hearing care services

M.O.S.A. Audiology offers the following services:

hearing evaluations

hearing aid sales, dispensing and fitting

custom ear protection and molds

hearing aid accessories

hearing aid service including cleaning, checks, maintenance and repairs

hearing aid batteries

assistive listening devices

rehabilitative services

(734) 666-0102

Hours of operation

Monday8 am - 4 pm
Tuesday8 am - 4 pm
Wednesday8 am - 4 pm
Thursday8 am - 4 pm
Friday8 am - 4 pm

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.